Jun 29, 2022
A New York icon of style and sophistication is back and wanted to talk about Breakfast at Tiffany's (1961). There is no denying the significant impact the movie had on young Polina. Diana comes with some lyrics of that song.
A young New York socialite becomes interested in a young man who has moved into her apartment...
Jun 15, 2022
Jumping at the chance to watch a new modern adaptation of Pride and Prejudice, Diana’s pick is Fire Island (2022). With the knowledge of a few adaptations and regular pop culture references, Ryan comes extra prepared with a map translating the characters.
A pair of best friends set out to have a legendary...
Jun 1, 2022
Coming to the podcast for her fifth guest spot, Justine basks in the warm glow while talking about Ever After: A Cinderella Story (1998). Hear about her happy relationship with Drew Barrymore movies. Special thanks to listener Nicole for requesting this movie.
Check out Justine on Pod Appétit: Gourmet Takes and find...